OSV: A Plan For Our Democracy

Electoral reform: if we can’t end FPTP, why not add to it?

Do you prefer our current system, First-Past-the-Post? Fine, let’s fix — but also keep it. How? With OSV. Let’s put it in a referendum without any option to keep FPTP.

Okay, the election’s over. Shouldn’t we feel closure? Why don’t we? Why do parts of Canada seem ready to leave? It’s simple: most Canadians know that FPTP gave us bad results. Conservatives are rightly mad to get fewer seats despite winning more votes, the Greens & NDP are rightly mad to get far fewer seats than their vote share. Heck, I bet some Liberals are quietly mad at Justin’s ditched reform promise.

How can a country thrive if so many feel this way? Most developed countries ditched FPTP, except the UK & the US –two countries in chaos. Oh, and us. So, what can we replace FPTP with? With my idea: Optional Second Vote. It has no technical problems that I’ve been notified of. The selling point? It’s an ‘add on’ to FPTP; it lets you vote the same way. So it’s also great if you want no change, everyone wins!

How does it work? Skip to ‘the Idea’ below.

My goal: we have a referendum on electoral reform where OSV is the ‘status quo’ option. The only other choices are proportional models. “Wait, there’s no FPTP option? What if I like it?” Remember: you can still vote the same way under OSV. And, a referendum done this way guarantees FPTP’s end.

I do hope we get a proportional system. If we don’t, OSV could be the “Plan B add-on” to FPTP. This Plan B could be far better than FPTP, the system that wastes millions of votes.

The Idea: while barely different, OSV stops FPTP’s problem: false majorities. It has: no complex switch to new ridings, no ‘party lists’, no extra seats to add to the House (no extra MP salaries).

To vote: check 1 box if you want, no ranking needed. No multiple voting days (like in runoff systems). Also, OSV doesn’t need parties– so it can be used in city elections. It has no cons that opponents of reform like to say. It’s simple:

Your ballot has 2 votes: first, your Normal Vote. Put an ‘x’ beside 1 name (like how you vote now). That can be it, go cast your ballot! There’s also the 2nd Vote. Again, put an ‘x’ beside 1 name.

Here’s the ballot. Below is a Scenario to bring it all together:

Election Scenario:

This tweak would stop FPTP’s fatal flaw, making it a solid back-up in the event that no proportional system wins in a referendum. So let’s have a referendum with this as the backup option!

What are your thoughts?

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